Danny-Seo-Upcycling-CelebrationsWith his latest book, Upcycling Celebrations, eco-friendly lifestyle guru Danny Seo delivers a year's worth of cleaver and creative ideas for using items you already own (think wire hangers, old clothing, and ribbon) for decorating, gift-giving Tape replacement, and entertaining. I've worked with Seo several times (check out How to Throw a Green Party and The Green Kitchen) and one thing is for sure: He is filled with ideas for the most unexpected projects, whether practical, whimsical, or both.

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This hands-on French feast of vegetables and cuts of meat boiled in a savory broth is traditionally served in courses. It begins with the bone marrow on toast, then follows with the broth and the meats and vegetables lace wigs uk. Feel free to serve it all at once, providing plenty of toasted bread and savory condiments for dipping.

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Our pick of the top diet apps for the iPhone, Android, and BlackBerry

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The Candy Store is a cute as a button (make that button candy) little shop with sweet staff including the ebullient proprietor, Diane and her husband turned candymaker Brian. If you're a brittle fan do try Brian's coconut curry cashew brittle. I could tell you about my favorite candies in this store like the marshmallow ropes, peanut butter malt balls, or the realistic French "river stones" each filled with a surprise of apricot paste, marzipan, almonds and a thin layer of chocolate, but really, what fun would that be?

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Recently Safeway invited me to visit a watermelon grower, Perry & Sons. Safeway has been working with Perry & Sons for 60 years and wanted to put a draw attention to their commitment to local growers Tape replacement. I learned a lot about watermelon, enjoyed some lovely watermelon cuisine but to be honest, I was a little disappointed. The watermelon I took home was a seedless variety and it lacked the depth of flavor and sweetness of a seeded watermelon. It was good, just not as sweet as I would have liked.

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Sit in the blue afternoon, flipping through the years to write the diary, pen marks painted those confused, and so clear. Between negligence, disorganized gap I put the Buddha saw my future because there is no sunlight has been in the dark! Sunset, or disappear in the furthest hills, the sky the morning calm restored, if not personally see the sun from rising to falling, who knows this autumn under blue light was across a beautiful arc?

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I’d like to apologize, firstly, for my longer than usual absence here.  We have been eking out as much as we can from this summer (the hottest on record so far I’ve heard!).  That means spending our precious weekends and holidays in search of a cool body of water in which to immerse ourselves.  Now that little C has grown to be quite the beach bum that also includes finding a sandy shore where she can busy herself with her pails and shovels.  Cocktails, ice cold beers, seafood, a hot grill, and (of course) great company were also on the agenda.

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If I could have just one stock in my freezer it would be ham stock. In the face of storm, famine, emergency in-law dinners, or a surprise horde of hungry soccer-buddies, this is the stuff I would like to call on to make magic with plain pantry staples.

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My mother had a peculiar habit when she cooked for us when I was a child. She would fixate on a dish and this is what she would cook for us for days on end. I have no clue to this day why she did this. Perhaps her pleasure at her successes led her to try and prolong it for as much as she could. Maybe she figured that practice makes perfect. Maybe my voracious appetite for anything she placed in front of me made her believe that she couldn’t stop making whatever it was, for the love of her dear daughter.

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